MicroPython Blues





With great power, comes great... memory limits..?!

This post is further detail that I today discussed in Discord today, where we were discussion about Python’s general popularity and usefulness in the general use despite the memes that it is a “bad programming language”, because of its simplicity, incredible amounts of libraries and ease of use for beginners that might not understand what exactly it is that they are doing, which is not fault against anyone, but ignorance.

Oh MicroPython… you are so… complicated.

I actually loved MicroPython because of how easy and straightforward it is to initially program, but when you try to do complex calculations, it will proceed to lie down flat with the following:

But it is with positives, which has a significant advantage over most embedded programming languages, such as:

The points are short, sweet and straightforward - which means, in summary, MicroPython is good. Python is heavy on memory space, but it is a fantastic feat that it was made for a microcontroller, but it sacrificed ACID principles and memory space in the process. It is not amazing - just good and exceptional.

Once you proceed to do control engineering and heavy vector and matrix calculations, or something that needs consistent logging - it will slowly become your greatest possible enemy.